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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Blogging: Gunning for More Words

Hi unwary visitor(s) to my blog! =) Is it wary or weary?? Uhmm..whatever. I'll be making some uhmm..minor changes to these pages soon...coz apparently some Blog-for-Cash sites don't find enough "words" to merit any reason for revenue. So instead of just posting those uhmmm "useful" links that you guys (and gals) like to "find and read"...I may have to post and append some "reviews and rants" and stuff to make it more "revenue-generating"...I know, I know...I've sold out..but hey it takes a lot of my "time and effort" to do stuff you any pennies my way would be great...nothing like moolah to motivate... And since most of you (I know) have seem to love Warren Ellis' Black Summer below..what's not to like right?? With all that blood and gore and killing....speaking of's another ridiculous survey segue that's as bloody...and a bit ridiculous...

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